What does your inspection cover?

The inspector ensures that their inspection and inspection report will meet or exceed all applicable requirements in your state and will comply with a well-recognized standard of practice and code of ethics. You should be able to request and see a copy of these items ahead of time and ask any questions you may have. If there is any areas you want to make sure are inspected, please be sure to identify them upfront

How long will the inspection take?

The average on-site inspection time for a single inspector is two to three hours for a typical single-family house.  We believe that taking significantly less time may not be enough time to perform a thorough inspection. Additional inspectors may be brought in for very large properties and buildings.

How much will it cost?

Costs vary dramatically, depending on the region, size and age of the house, scope of services and other factors. A typical range might be $300-$500, but consider the value of the home inspection in terms of the investment being made. Cost does not necessarily reflect quality. HUD Does not regulate home inspection fees.

Will I be able to attend the inspection?

This is a valuable educational opportunity, and an inspector's refusal to allow this should raise a red flag. Never pass up this opportunity to see your prospective home through the eyes of an expert.