Yearly Home Check Up

What Is a Home Checkup?

A current evaluation for your Home.

A home checkup will identify concerns you have about the condition of your house. Worried your roof is outdated, compromised, or the heating, and cooling appliances are a little under the weather.

A Home Checkup gives you a full picture of any repairs that need to be on your radar.

Do you need a Home Checkup?

Every two to three years, you should have your home inspector come out and do a maintenance inspection. So, whether you are considering moving or simply just want to know if the systems in your home are working properly, a Home Checkup can be a huge benefit. You might not even notice a problem - But a good eye can see the little signs that something is starting to go:small cracks, uneven wearing, or even just appliances such as water heaters, furnaces and boilers reaching the eventual end of their lives. They can also remind you of the regular maintenance you should be doing on your house. An advantage of a home checkup is that I will provide an unbiased opinion.

Home Checkup includes: Exterior: Roof, Chimney, Gutters/downspouts, grade/drainage, trees/branches, main power cable/meter. Interior: walls/ceilings/floors/windows, appliances-heating/cooling/water heater, main electric panel, sump pump, garage door and opener.

Like an annual physical, a maintenance inspection can catch issues early and give you the peace of mind of a clean bill of health. It’s a way to keep little problems from turning into big problems.

What happens during a Home Checkup?

I will walk you through the home, showing you what was found and explaining what it means. You will have a chance to ask questions or get clarifications, and I will point out things you should be doing regularly to keep all of your home’s systems functioning in tiptop shape.

Then, by the next day, you will receive get an email of the written summary detailing everything the inspector found. It will start out each comment stating the trade needed to do the repair/maintenance followed by the issue. Think of it as an itemized punch list to address whenever you choose.

Do you need a Home Checkup?

If you do suspect something is in disrepair, it is wise to call in a home inspector before a repair

company. Not that people are dishonest, but they have a vested interest in getting work, so you have to take what they say with a grain of salt. As a home inspector I am not trying to sell you anything ... and I am not going to make any money off doing the repairs. All I have to sell is the truth.

Who conducts the inspection and how much does it cost?

I will be there. No one else.

The cost is $275 per hour. Most average size homestake 1 to 1 1⁄2 hour to go through. The written narrative summary report is included. Considering the fee for electrical, foundation, or roof repairs can be three to four times higher, that’s a pretty great deal. When it comes down to it, a home checkup is a cost-effective way to keep your home in tiptop shape.

Tom Dabb